Sunday, November 6, 2011

kharul subree bin zaini.

arwah mmber aq yg sgt best dan baek. sumpah aq rindu kau.....

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

bila red peep become speechless

peepless were like happily reading newspaper while budak merah collect urine. hah. apa da jd ni. pelik la kak oi. isk.

Monday, October 31, 2011

ortho posting.

skin traction? hah. apa tu?
indication for skin traction? siapa tahu apa jawabnya.
plis ea.


suddenly rasa rindu sgt kat family. urgh

Sunday, October 30, 2011

FW: urgh.

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 22:40 SGT
Subject: urgh.

the most stressfull time of the year has finally arrive.
spare myself for some mind blowing medical term.
procedure, sop, management ba bla bla.
it suck to be a student but I am certain that iylt will paid of some day.
ortho, surgical, gynecology, and public health. wait? the hell is public health. haha. it remind me of one of the vid that I found on the net with regard to public health. will share the vid here if I manage to get it back.
my body is weak but my mind is screaming. don't you have books to read. subject to study, exam to go through. arghhhhh....

test post by email

end of message.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

most stupid thing ever done....

almost feel like an idiot. . . not almost but i am... what were on my mind? can't i think straight. now that i am having a biggest regret ever. what am i going to do. only god knows what i feel right now.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

posting bakas

aku pun tak tahu apa tu bakas until recently i got an attachment here.
for those who might not know what bakas mean is , well BAKAS stand for Unit Bekalan Air dan Kebersihan Alam Sekitar. :-)
Job scope of bakas would include those maintenance of air limbah atau nama lain dia SPAL - sistem pengurusan air limbah la...
SPAL ni ada prosedur dia. aku terjumpa pulak cara nak buat permohonan dia dalam salah satu web forum untuk penolong pegawai kesihatan persekitaran. mintak copy ye kat sini. hehe. so here is some of the item which is needed for SPAL application. :-)

1. Kita buat bancian kampung2. biasa kena siap ada peta kawasan kampung tu la.. biasa pka - pembantu kesihatan awam yang akan buat peta kampung tu. :-)
2. kenalpasti rumah2 yg bermasalah. background ada outbreak ke.
3. Sekiranya ada takungan atau sistem pelupusan yg x terkawal, maka kita suggest utk SPAL.
4. pastikan mereka yg terpilih, mempunyai pendapat isi rumah 5. Edar borang SPAL.
6. setelah pemohon isi, kita summitkan kepada U32 utk sokongan kelulusan. pastu, hantar kpd PKD utk Luluskan.
7. hantar barg2 binaan.
8. buat secara g/royong atau kontrak.

tp masa posting bakas hari tu, aku sempat tengok air limbah yang dah siap je... kami datang cuma untuk pantau sama ada, air limbah yang sedia ada tu ada masalah atau tak je... :-)

untuk sekarang ni. pemasangan unit SPAL dah tak dibuat lagi oleh pembantu rendah awam (PRA). tapi biasanya pejabat kesihatan akan bukak kepada kontraktor luar untuk jalankan projek ni. :-)

rasa itu je yang aku nak cerita utk entry ni. nanti kalau aku dapat pergi tengok lagi sekali, aku span pic pulak ea. :-)

Monday, August 1, 2011

klinikal dan ramadhan

esok hari pertama ramadhan... yayyyy... alhamdullilah. td sempat gak g semayang terawih dekat area rumah ni. tak tahu pun ada surau dekat kawasan ni. keluar pergi naik kereta dengan jawa sbb nak ke masjid dearah agak jauh dan kena lalu jalan besar. tp aku sempat gak la sound jawa. belakang kawasan rumah kita ni ada taman perumahan. biasa kalau ada taman perumahan , mesti ada surau. so pergi la usha dulu. selamat jumpa gak surau taman ni. so takde la jauh sangat nak pergi terawih lepas ni. hehe. dan yang agak interesting pasal surau ni. surau ni agak kampung la. tp dalam surau ada aircond. hehe. best3x.

sabtu lepas dah habis dah posting kecemasan utk sem ni. alhamdulilah jugak. semua settle dengan jayanya. hehe. next posting is labour room. dari pengalaman yang lepas lepas. member ada cerita jugak yang labour room sini agak susah nak dapat tengok kes. sbb semua kes yang ada antar seremban atau melaka. harap time aku posting sini. ada la kes yang menanti. hehe.

hurm rasa sampai sini dulu post utk hari ni. jumpa lagi next time.

selamat menjalani ibadah puasa. moga puasa tahun ni lebih baik dari tahun tahun yang sudah. :-)

Monday, July 18, 2011

klinikal lagi

minggu ni da masuk monggu tiga aq klinikal. mmg banyak prosedur da dapat buat. ok la tu. tp bab yg tak ok nyer bila tak ada nota langsung yg aq baca dan takde progres langsung dlm aq nyer reseach.


Monday, July 11, 2011

counting days

hurm. sekarang ni ak tgh sibuk kira minggu. semingu da habis da posting ed ni. tp kes satu pun ak tak baca. aish. nota mmg lagi la. entah bila la plak ak nak bukak. urm. tak ka la da nak exm baru ak nk bukak. aishhhh. so maksudnya ak ada lagi 17 minggu lagi la... urmmmmm

Sunday, July 10, 2011

sunday pertama di tampin.

urgh. aq bgun agak awal pg sbb smlm aq tdo awal. balik kerja ptg, mandi then trus off to bed. smlm dkt a&e tampin, kes boleh tahan. agak tak cukup gak la tangan aq nk siap kan kerja nyer. lepas satu pt abes terus dtg satu ag. slmt dpt balik on time dan tak kne stay. hehe

oh citer pasalahad ni. urm. seriously aq tak tau nk buat apa. nk basuh bju. bju sikit lg. ag pun. lan nk hantar dobi je baju ni. senang. lg pn. stok baju bnyk g ak bawak. hehe

ada sesiapa boleh bg cadangan ke nk buat apa kt tampin ni. please. . .

Friday, July 8, 2011

cerita posting lg

hah. hari ni tak dpt tgk post mortem pun. sbb nyer.

hari ni jumaat dan post mortem start kul 1 ptg. mmg tak gigih la ak nak g. haha.

lg pn, body yg sampai kat forensik tu, body query ptb. so mmg tak la ak nak full ppe.

hope next time ada la post mortem yg ak ley assist.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

hari ni 2nd day ak posting kecemasan tampin ni. tatau r camne nak citer. semuanya berjalan dgn lancar je la kot.

penat kerja? tu da mesti. mana ada kerja tak penat bai. walaupun pt dkt sini takde la ramai sngt pt dia. tp ak rasa, ak penat berdiri je kot. haha

hari ni gak sepatutnya ak g forensik utk tgk post mortem utk 1st time dlm hidup ak. tgk mayat tu da banyak kali gak la. tp tgk yg real pnya dr 1st incision tu tak pernah lagi la. sampai2 je forensik. tgk body da siap da. cumer nak touch up sket je. sbb pt yg ni pn, cume normal mva with multiple head injury je. so cause of death mmg da confirm tau kan. mmg tak belah la.

tp tadi masa nak balik kerja. ada staff bg tau yg mlm ni ada satu body nak masuk. staff tu ada gak bg tau. klu nk tgk full incision, dtg r sok pg. so ak akan gagah kan diri ak gak la uk tgk. sbb ak rasa ni challenge tuk ak gak. boleh ke ak assist post mortem ni. alahai. lagi pn. ak mmg ada cross pun utk post mortem.

hari ni gak baru ak tau yg asthma kes ada protocol. lol. sound kinda stupid, ttg mmg sblm ni ak tak penah nampak kot protokol dia. so da tau ni. boleh la baca selalu. huhu.

rasa takde menda lagi nak update kot. kot la ada lagi. ak update la nanti. till then, salam.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

mobile entry

haha. thos would be thefirst time that i made an entry using a mobile phone.

time check now is 0212hrs n yet im still not in bed. later today would be my first day posting for this semester. hope that everything works as smooth as i planned. phewww.

guess not much that i need to say for now. till then. salam.

nite all. tuck myself to bed now.....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

the new begining~!

eh seem like yesterday was the day that i first started my school holiday ea. haha. well i wish that it was yesterday. lol~!

Time move pretty fast without me knowingly that my holiday has ended, and it's time for a new semester.

Well nothing much that i expect for this semester (except all the best that i can get). Getting good grades would be the top on my list since i don't manage to get good result as for my last semester. In fact one of my bro's has already promise me that if i do excel for this semester exam, I might be getting a new bike for myself (with a condition that i manage to get full mark for my exam- which I personally doubt that i would achieve it). But what the heck right. Exam will always come and go even if you hate them.

Oh yes, the update about my clinical posting for this semester.

The schedule were as follows:
July - Emergency Department, Hospital Tampin, Negeri Sembilan for period of 4/52.
Early August - Labor Room, Hospital Tampin, Negeri Sembilan - 2/52
Mid August - Operation Theater, Hospital Tuanku Jaa'far Seremban - 2/52
Early September - Mid Semester Break + Aidilfitri Holiday. Yayyy~!
Mid September - BAKAS , Health District Office, Tampin, N9 - 4/52
October - Orthopedic Clinic- Hospital Tuanku Jaa'far Seremban - 2/52
Mid October - Orthopedic Ward, Tuanku Jaa'far Hospital Seremban - 2/52
November - Study Week + Exam

So this are the schedule that i will be going through for the next 5 to 6 months. Hope that I will get thru this without much obstacle eh. pheewwww.

At the time that I made this entry, I am still in my room at Seremban, probably be going to Tampin later this evening. Till the next entry. Salam.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

the future

ever wonder what the future holds for you? hurm, the same thing happen to me.

this thing happen to me when i was back from friday prayer few weeks back. since it was my school break, i was back at my hometown. i was on my way back home, and i saw this uncle who cycle to the mosque. (ppl do cycle alot here). and all of the sudden this question struck in my head.

what would i be in 10 years time from now. let alone imagine things when i retired. will i lived with my wife happily, how many kids do i have, what kind of house do we live in, what will happen to my kid. will i be able to provide to my kid and my wife. will i be a good husband, and will i be able to take care of my mum. by that time, she must be around 60. hurmmmssss. these question keep playing on my mind. but i will never find the answer to these questions.

come to think about it, i also wonder how do successful people plan their life. is it in their lifetime dream to be successful or it just happen by luck. luck that anyone can't posses.

i believe that god had plan everything for us. and i also believe that as long as you have faith in Allah, He will help and guide you along the way.

so what ever the future might holds for me. i just pray hard that everything will be well executed. i believe that everyone of us want to have the best thing in life, but in order for us to get to that level. efforts is all it takes.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Eh, I got Blog eh....

Hye there. It has been sometimes that i last put an entry to this blog. Padahal tak ingat pun i own one. Hiks.

But since that i manage to get it back. I was thinking that it might be a good idea for me to put it back to work. Reason being, i would say that, this might be the only thing that will wake me up from the dream that i had so far. 27 years has past and the thing that i had done to my life. Phewwww...

Since i was not in the mood of writing anything, i will just leave it as it is for now. But i will sure be back for more.
